Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Depression and dealing with it

Dealing with depression can be very difficult thing. When I was at my lowest I thought what is the point of being here? who would care? who wouldn't miss me? .  I went through my mind of all the things I could do to end it all, I did try a few times and failed thankfully but I did get to that point I've just giving up, but the thing that kept me in this world was my family. I have friends but in my mind I was a burden and I had just lost and very important person in my life and I thought I would lose them too. So I didn't really think I I had much more to lose but I would have lost I would of lost out seeing my sister my brothers grow up seeing my family my mum and everything else I never really told anyone thiswhy are  only a few people and people are very surprised when they hear that because even though I was sad they didn't realise how sad I was after I attempted I went to my doctor and he got me in with a psychologist and I was diagnosed with depression I always had it in some way would dealing with things as a child with alcoholism in the family, bullying, loss of my dad but strange thing is that never got me down was my disability until I got judged for it it really made me feel low and I had never hate being disabled I had always made fun with it light Hearted . Anyway I'm rambling the reason I'm posting this is that with everything that I went through or felt there is someone there to help you there always is it might not be family, friends but talk to  your doctor teacher a good samaritan never give up always remember that your a strong person to never give up. To quote Spike Milligan we might see the darkest of days but we said the brightest of sunsets.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

final day

Wheelz in Green is finally done, all we had to do today is fix a bit of audio and do a bit of color correction. all in all so proud of my group


we have this documentary almost done just getting rid of interviews that are not strong enough and are dragging the documentary down.


this documentary is turning out to be great, bit of a few problems with audio. but we have so much footage of good interviews that we can change them.

major 4/3/13

we started putting the structure down on this monster of a documentary, by putting our interviews together.


first day we went through our mountain of footage to see which was usable or not. while des stole my chair....

Euros 2

today was a somber affair the team lost and are out of the league. so when the lads asked me to get an interview with the players i waited till the players had time to get over their loss before we bombarded them, but luckily we got all the interviews we needed